This section contains the maps used as reference by MapBiomas Bolivia Collection 2.0 to train the classification algorithms and evaluate the quality of the project's automatic classification. These references come from various organizations and have varied temporal and geographic scales.

Some of these maps do not yet have public access, because they are in the process of publication. When available, the corresponding link will be included to allow downloading of the data directly from the original source.

Map of major land use capacity BoliviaCUMAT Greater Land Use Capacity Project USAID/BOLIVIA-PL-480The map presents the classification of land according to its use capacity (CUMAT) based on the combined effects of climate and permanent soil characteristics.Link
Land cover and use map, 1978Natural Resources Technological Satellite Program (ERTS – Bolivia) of the Geological Service of Bolivia (GEOBOL) in 1978 at a scale of 1:1000000.The map represents the environmental characteristics, land use and natural resources of the Bolivian territory, generated based on the first images of the Landsat satellite in 1978 through the Land cover classification system methodology.Link
Ecoregions and ecosystems. Biodiversity: The wealth of BoliviaIbisch,P., Beck, S.,Gerkmann, B., Carretero, A., 2003Ecoregions and ecosystems of BoliviaNot available
Vegetation and biogeographic units of BoliviaGonzalo Navarro, 2002 Not available
Classification of the vegetation of BoliviaGonzalo Navarro, 2011 Not available
Map of coverage and current land use Bolivia, 2001 The land cover and use map represents the natural and anthropic elements of the Earth's surface; the information it describes is an important input for planning and modeling.Acedder
Map of major land use capacity Bolivia, 2001 The map presents the classification of land according to its use capacity (CUMAT) based on the combined effects of climate and the permanent characteristics of the soils. productive capacity of the land, limitations in land use, risks of damaging the soil and soil management requirements.Acedder
Map of current land use and coverage Bolivia, 2010 The map of coverage and current land use of Bolivia (COBUSO-2010) is a technical instrument that describes in terms of land coverage, all the existing resources in our country at a departmental and national scale, identifying the current use by each coverage category.Acedder
Map of Productive Potentials of Bolivia, 2013Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy, through the Productive Analysis Unit (UDAPRO) and the Territorial Information System to Support Production (SITAP) at a scale of 1:100,000 in 2013.The map shows the productive potential of the country in its different sectors and geographical areas, identified based on the type of land use, biophysical specialization and socioeconomic specialization at the departmental and municipal level of Bolivia.Acedder
Bolivia Forest Map 2013Prepared by the Bolivia / ACTO Observation Room (SoB / ACTO), in coordination with the General Directorate of Forest Management and Development (DGGDF) of the Ministry of Environment and Water (MMAyA) with data for the year 2013.This map presents a classification by type of Forest according to ecosystem, determining with greater precision the limits between ecosystems.Acedder